Chernick & Chernick
Get the Legal Help You Need in Hampshire County with Chernick and Chernick
Hampshire County residents searching for a team of lawyers with plenty of experience and friendly attitude have met their match with Chernick and Chernick. We specialize in many fields, but specifically those of personal injury, accident, estate planning, and worker’s compensation, to bring you justice. With over 100-years of experience, we’re ready to be your personal champion for justice, no matter what your situation involves.
We Can Help You With:
Auto Accidents
Motorcycle Accidents
Trucking Accidents
Personal Injury Accidents
Workers Compensation
Estate Planning
Wills & Trusts
Guardianships & Powers of Attorneys
Probates of Estates
Worried about where to turn? Get more information about our practice areas and how we’ll best serve our Hampshire County community today.
Motorcycle Accidents
Regardless of your situation, getting in a motorcycle accident can be extremely detrimental to your personal health, and sometimes, even fatal. If you’re seeing the medical bills pile up on your kitchen counter in Northampton, now’s the time to call your experienced accident lawyers at Chernick and Chernick.
Worker’s Compensation
When you’re hired at Hampshire County business, you have worker’s compensation rights. Navigating these while injured from an on-the-job duty can be frustrating and confusing, but our worker’s compensation lawyers have the expertise you need for a successful and beneficial case.
Take care of your case in Hampshire County with the experts at Chernick and Chernick
If you’re coming from the areas of Amherst or Ware, we’re a mere 20-mintue drive from your front door. We’re also very easy to access from other Hampshire County communities such as Northampton and Amherst. Give us a call to find directions from your town or city along the Connecticut River.