Chernick & Chernick
Springfield Can Rely on Our Expert Accident and Estate Attorneys
Dealing with the aftermath of an accident of any kind can quickly feel like an insurmountable roadblock that prevents you from going on with your normal life. If you’re dealing with an automobile accident, a personal injury, a worker’s compensation claim, or simply would like to organize your estate for the future, your Springfield local Chernick and Chernick firm is here to help.
Together, we have over 100-years of experience in the field of accident and estate planning practice. You can find us in just five minutes if you’re coming from Springfield. Simply jaunt over the Memorial Bridge to the west to meet our expert team of attorneys.

We Specialize in the Following Areas:
Auto Accidents
Motorcycle Accidents
Trucking Accidents
Personal Injury Accidents
Workers Compensation
Estate Planning
Wills & Trusts
Guardianships & Powers of Attorney
Probates of Estates

Auto Accidents
Between morning commutes to work, taking the kids to school, and running all the errands in between, Springfield traffic can make way for auto accidents. If you’re the victim of one of these horrible situations, you can lean on the accident attorneys here at Chernick and Chernick. We know how to fight to get you the large settlement you deserve that can help heal the pain after an unfortunate event on the roads of Springfield.
Truck Accidents
The hectic highways between the Metro Center and Memorial Square areas in Springfield are home to many heavy commercial truck and tractor-trailer accidents. The fact that trucking companies often fail on adhering to safety requirements that keep non-truck operating drivers safe, only makes things worse. Get true justice following a trucking accident with our experienced lawyers in the field.
Personal Injury Accidents
It’s no secret that Springfield can become hectic, especially downtown. If you’re a pedestrian that’s incurred an injury on the streets of Springfield, make the five-minute journey to West Springfield to utilize the expertise of our personal injury lawyers with decades of experience and knowledge.
Worker’s Compensation
There are few things worse that incurring an injury at work. Thanks to worker’s compensation, you don’t have to suffer financial loss due to your injury. If you need help navigating the tricky world of your worker’s compensation claim, our team is very knowledgeable in these areas and can help ensure your stability.
Wills and Trusts
Having a definitive, legal plan in writing for the future of your assets is vital. Get ahead of the game by delegating your beneficiaries, heirs, and assets with a will today. Our Chernick and Chernick lawyers are expert will writers that think of every last detail that will matter to you and your family in the future, or today.
Probates of Estates
A probate of estate is the representative that distributes your assets to your heirs and beneficiaries when the time comes. Have you ever considered who this person should be? Utilize the experts at Chernick and Chernick to handle the proceedings surrounding this very important decision for many Springfield families.